Your Back-to-School Quiz Results


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5 tips to get back-to-school ready:

  1. Get ready for the (eye) exam. 80% of learning is through your child’s eyes, so a back-to-school eye exam is essential. 

  2. Spend less, get more. Families with K-12 children spend about $689 for back-to school shopping.1 As a VSP member, you have access to money-saving offers.

  3. Fun-tivities galore. Stimulate your child’s brain with fun activities that will help them transition back to school.

  4. Fuel for school. Children who eat a nutritious breakfast function better at school2 (eggs and citrus are great for eye health too). 

  5. Better bedtimes. Most children need about 10-12 hours of sleep per night.3 Establish a bedtime routine for a calmer night-night. 

VSP Members

VSP members get an extra $20 to spend on Featured Frame Brands and can save 20% on lens enhancements. Visit

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